Translation: (This is not a perfect translation, since I don't actually speak or write or read any German...I used google translate which, as you can see, did a pretty decent job). For those who are interested in using google translate, it's pretty simple, just go to http://www.translate.google.com/
Psalms 37:5
Died this afternoon, at the age of 88 years, our dear mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and great-grandmother
Elisabeth Schaefer
born (maiden name) Laux
In silent grief:
Liselotte Charrier born (Schaefer)
Gertrud Rilling born (Schaefer)
Helmut Rilling
Marianne Amborn born (Schaefer)
Dr. Gu(umlot)nter Amborn
and Enkel and Urenkel
Philadelphia, USA Sept. 14, 1970
The funeral will take place on Friday the 18th
September 1970, 12:30 pm in the...
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